Stomal Therapy Nurses

Your local Stomal Therapy Nurse (STN) will help you with any stoma related problems, ongoing stoma management, skin care, choice of appliances, etc. * STN’s occupying offical stomal therapy positions are shown in red.

Southern Region
Madi Bradshaw
Tesse Bonde*
Annette Goulding
Sonia Hicks*
Janet Robins
Megan Twaits
Patrick Meaney
Stomal Therapy Dept, RHH; (K9W)
The District Nurses, Moonah (ph 62080500)
Royal Hobart Hospital (Ward 2AS)
Stomal Therapy Dept, RHH; (ph 6166 8283)
Stomal Therapy Dept, RHH; (ph 6166 8283)
Stomal Therapy Dept, RHH (K9W); (ph 6166 8283)
Stomal Therapy Dept, RHH; (ph 6166 8283)
Nothern Region
Teena Carydakis*
Carolynne Partridge
Kristy Willis
Renee Matthews W
Elizabeth Cute
Leanne Bedwell
Deborah Franklin
Stomal Therapy Dept, LGH; (ph 6777 6832)
Specialist Clinic: LGH
Ward 5A, LGH
Calvary, St Vincents Campus, Launceston ( ph 63324835)
Calvary Health Care, St Vincents Campus, Launceston (relief)
Regis Aged Care, (ph 0438445338)






North West Region


Michelle Emin*  N.W. Regional Hospital, Burnie; (ph 64936274)


Donations assist us to maintain our service to ostomates. Many of our office workers are volunteers, thus helping to keep our costs to a minimum for members, however our expenses continue to rise over time, so any financial assistance - by way of donations - is gratefully received, even if it's only a few dollars. To make a donation click the link, and enter your credit card details via the secure payment gateway (transaction receipt will follow). Remember donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Thank you for your support!